Peter Roper The Family Business Man
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Log off with #techtimeout Tuesday – you know it makes sense!

Log off with #techtimeout Tuesday – you know it makes sense!
One of our friends in the practice Neil Lloyd has set up a very interesting initiative and this week I have copied the email he sent me - the subject of which we are supporting. Do please read, take action and share the idea!!!
Here’s the email…

Hi Peter,
Trust this finds you well and surviving Lockdown 2.0..
Hope you don’t mind me writing but an idea I worked on with a friend through Lockdown 1.0 has now come to fruition, and I thought you’d like to read about it and fingers crossed support it.
Like other businesses I know, most of our staff now work from home for the majority of the week, and to be honest I can’t see that changing even post vaccine. It’s the ‘new normal’ I guess.
Whilst it’s great for employees from a work/life balance perspective I became worried about the impact the overuse of technology was having on their mental health.
So, with my business partner, I set up techtimeout and on Tuesday 1st December, we’re asking everyone to join us and pledge some time away from technology for #techtimeouttuesday.
Whether it’s 10 minutes, 1 hour or 1 day – we’re asking people to look up, log off (outside of work commitments) and do something they enjoy that doesn't include endless notifications and mindless
scrolling all in the aid of raising awareness of the impact that technology has on mental health and productivity.
It’s easy to get involved:
1. Decide how much time you are going to spend away from technology and what you’re going to do and complete our pledge form and then
2. On the 1st December, share the attached image on your social media feed with the hashtag #techtimeouttuesday .
Thanks for taking the time to read the email and look forward to catching up soon.
Take Care,
Neil Lloyd.
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