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Are you tone deaf to your reputation? Thought4TheWeek from Peter Roper

 Are you tone deaf to your reputation? Thought4TheWeek from Peter Roper
Are you tone deaf to your reputation?

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been struggling with a blocked ear drum, courtesy of the lurgy I had a few weeks ago.


Having been to the doctors for my ear to be syringed with water and the procedure failing, I am currently having medical-grade olive oil in my ear every day for a fortnight until they can have a go at clearing it in a few days' time.


No big deal I can hear you say many people have this all the time and I agree...


However, the interesting thing was I didn’t recognise I had the problem in the first place.


My wife Anny had suggested I might have a problem a few weeks before but I confess I took no notice of the suggestion. That is until the other day when I lay my head on the pillow at bedtime and couldn’t hear the radio we left on to chill out to. As I raised my head to check I realised the radio was actually on and yet when I put my head back on the pillow it disappeared!!


Time yet again to eat humble pie with Anny!


It got me thinking…


Last week I wrote about my massive surprise at how few people are actually prepared to do something about their reputation when the chance arises - even though they know it needs improvement!


It gained a lot of interest and comments.


It is exasperating.


All our businesses stand or fall on our reputation so why do so many take so little action or in fact do nothing?

What’s the point, Peter?


Being tone deaf is not a good idea in business at any level and it begs the question are these individuals and businesses tone deaf to their reputation?

Is it because they work so hard on a day-to-day basis they have no real idea what their reputation is like?


Or is it actually a case of (metaphorically) their head is on a comfy pillow and they can't hear the music about their business?


They don’t know what they don’t know…


I now strongly suspect so…


So what about you?


Are you tone-deaf to the noise about your reputation?


Does it need an event of major significance for you to rise off the business comfy pillow before you realise you need to do some work?


I don’t believe you are that apathetic…


Here is how I can help you.


Take this scorecard and then let’s have a thirty-minute complimentary chat with me, you never know it might just be the best thing you have ever done for your reputation.


Or perhaps come on our reputation day next week as there are still a couple of places left with Lesley Morrissey and I who between us have many decades of experience.


At just £197 isn’t your reputation worth that?


Again the details are here...


Or do you just want to put your head back on the pillow?


Get in touch, fill in the scorecard or book our REPUTATION day…


Go on you know you want to :)

Just say'in

Until the next time.


P.S. You do want a great reputation, don't you?

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