Peter Roper The Family Business Man
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How clear is your story?

How clear is your story?

Are you using too many stories for your business?

Stories are very powerful.

When used well they can catapult a business forward.

When used badly they can scar a business for life or worse…

The challenge is that for most of us (especially me!) we can have access to a war chest of stories, the question is which one might work best?

There is much value in keeping things simple.

In our recent visit to the Harley Davidson Museum in the USA I took this picture of a shop front sign from the thirties.

Their message was very clear, you could have a choice of just five colours and that was it. If you like, it was an expansion on Henry Ford’s famous saying, “You can have any colour the customer wants so long as it's black!”

… and notice in the picture in smaller print it says 'lower prices'. 

So effectively two messages simply put!

Two simple stories.

Clarity makes life in business so much easier.

Easier for you as a business owner.

Much easier for a potential purchaser.

You can see the difference in the approach our supermarkets take on this subject.

For instance, if you go to Tesco there is a whole aisle of yogurts, yet in Aldi the selection is far smaller because they know their clients don’t want that much choice and it simplifies the sales process.

So, in short, how clear are you making your offering to prospects and clients?

What is the simple story or message you want to portray?

What can you do to simplify matters?

And if you need a hand, you know where I am!

Until the next time…

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