Peter Roper The Family Business Man
Member driven, encouraging, supportive, educational
Experience on hand when you need it
One big family
Relevant and timely event programme


We have one main form of regular communication:

Peter writes a fun and informal blog aimed at family business owners each week called Thought4The Week with the latest information about events, members, and opportunities.

Five reasons to subscribe to these are:
  1. Already a member? They are vital communication tools!
  2. If you are a guest, it will provide you with ideas you can use directly in your business.
  3. You can learn from other people’s successes and failures.
  4. Get the latest up-to-the-minute information for family businesses.
  5. Easy to read and effective as communication tools plus most of all to the point!
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Peter's #Thought4TheWeek: Is your family business in Spring mode?

Peter's #Thought4TheWeek: Is your family business in Spring mode?

As I look out through our bedroom window at our garden today, I can’t help but notice how much it has changed in just a few short days. Last week it was still quite dormant, the hedge was...

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Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Why youthful resilience was a timely reminder for our family business this week…

Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Why youthful resilience was a timely reminder for our family business this week…

Last weekend was my wife’s birthday. Over a three-day period, we managed to spend time together with some of the family including our grandchildren which was wonderful. The weather being reas...

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Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - We crave physical connection in business… or do we?

Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - We crave physical connection in business… or do we?

The last few days have been hectic.   We had our first Family Business Practice HUDDLE, fifteen of us meeting over a working lunch and in a style not dissimilar to our old events, howeve...

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Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Where has the motivation gone?

Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Where has the motivation gone?

As we spend more time on face-to-face events, I have noticed a worrying trend…   I have also noticed the same trend on social media…   There is a lot of noise no...

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Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Are you making life too difficult for your clients and prospects?

Peter's #Thought4TheWeek - Are you making life too difficult for your clients and prospects?

During the last few weeks, Anny and I have had the opportunity to spend time with our elder daughter Sara Beth and family and it has been a pleasant change from the recent lockdown months.  ...

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