Peter Roper The Family Business Man
Member driven, encouraging, supportive, educational
Experience on hand when you need it
One big family
Relevant and timely event programme


We have one main form of regular communication:

Peter writes a fun and informal blog aimed at family business owners each week called Thought4The Week with the latest information about events, members, and opportunities.

Five reasons to subscribe to these are:
  1. Already a member? They are vital communication tools!
  2. If you are a guest, it will provide you with ideas you can use directly in your business.
  3. You can learn from other people’s successes and failures.
  4. Get the latest up-to-the-minute information for family businesses.
  5. Easy to read and effective as communication tools plus most of all to the point!
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FREE Tech Workshops At The Practice

FREE Tech Workshops At The Practice

This digital era has taken the world by storm. If you don’t keep up, as a business, you can risk being left behind. Remember BlockBusters? Once a common sight on every high street, unfortunat...

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When you make a mistake in your life, learn from it!

When you make a mistake in your life, learn from it!

The recent shenanigans between the European Union and the UK regarding stocks of much needed Covid 19 vaccine, hard borders in Northern Ireland plus frankly, egos, have been very painful to see. Wh...

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Are you getting rid of clutter in your life?

Are you getting rid of clutter in your life?

We held a recent session at the practice discussing clutter in our life. Boy did that cause conversation! It seems for many of us the recent challenges of Covid, lockdown home schooling, worki...

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The Secret To Video Success

The Secret To Video Success

This week's guest blog is written by Terry Livesay of DT Studios UK   So, you’ve decided to have a video done....why?   Okay, that question might seem a little st...

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The Digital Difference – Small Business Accounting Revolutionised

The Digital Difference – Small Business Accounting Revolutionised

Technology can and does deliver enormous change very quickly.  The previously static world of accounting software is a case in point and has changed considerably over the past five or six year...

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