We have one main form of regular communication:
Peter writes a fun and informal blog aimed at family business owners each week called Thought4The Week with the latest information about events, members, and opportunities.
Five reasons to subscribe to these are:
- Already a member? They are vital communication tools!
- If you are a guest, it will provide you with ideas you can use directly in your business.
- You can learn from other people’s successes and failures.
- Get the latest up-to-the-minute information for family businesses.
- Easy to read and effective as communication tools plus most of all to the point!

Are you harvesting or sowing for your business right now?
As I write this (later than usual) on a Tuesday evening, the Harvest Moon is in its ascendency and the smell of agriculture is in the air. We live in a village surrounded by farms and have a won...
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What works for you to keep your resolve?
The last couple of weeks have been a blur. September is always the time business revs up and currently we are launching all manner of new things – all very positive and exciting. But at...
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Some times you need to stick at it to get the results you want...
Every parent knows what it’s like to wait for their child’s exam results. They also know what it’s like to wave goodbye to them on their first day back at school… Whi...
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Why our Family Businesses can learn from the IOC.
Canadian teen swimming sensation Summer McIntosh has won three golds and one silver medal at the recent Paris Olympics. Yet in a few days’ time she will be doing two things....
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Why Olympian Adam Peaty helped me more than he will ever know…
My earliest memory is when I was around four years old. I recall staring at a very small black and white television and watching a lady winning a gold medal swimming the two hundred metres breastst...
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